El Proyecto

Rincón Bonito is a remote haven dedicated to mountain tourism along the Ventisquero River. We offer a mountain house and three refuges for rent, where you can immerse yourself in diverse experiences that connect you with the local culture and stunning surroundings. Nestled between Pumalín National Park and Hornopirén National Park, it is located in an area of immense ecological and scenic value. Rincón Bonito welcomes visitors to enjoy a unique stay, emphasizing environmental care. Your visit helps create a sustainable and low-impact development hub. Come discover Rincón Bonito and the Ventisquero Valley.

El Campo

Hidden in the mountains, Rincón Bonito is one of the most remote areas in the Cochamó commune. When Douglas Tompkins purchased it for the Pumalín project in 1999, it required extensive restoration to live up to its name, “Rincón Bonito.” Some ancient trees had survived logging and clearing, but much of the land was barren. With the vision of preparing the land for a post-petroleum economy, flowers and fruit trees were planted, soils were restored, and orchards and greenhouses were created to provide organic food for the residents.

In 2013, Rincón Bonito was purchased from Tompkins Conservation, marking a new chapter for the field. It was necessary to rebuild greenhouses, renovate fences and gates, and improve the airstrip. Old trails were cleared to explore the field and its surroundings, and a mountain house and three self-sufficient refuges were constructed for our visitors. With patience and ingenuity, given its remote location, the results aim to be in harmony with the environment.

La historia

The colonization of the Valley began with the second migratory wave from El Bolsón, Argentina, in the mid-1920s. This migration led to the creation of a unique Gaucho Campesino culture, shaped by the area’s isolation. Subsistence farming and livestock rearing remain the primary activities to this day. However, tourism is gradually transforming into an important economic activity, thanks to the valley’s unspoiled landscape and rich cultural heritage.


Rincón Bonito is nestled in the heart of the Ventisquero Valley, where the Ventisquero River flows from west to east, merging with the Puelo River in the Primer Corral area. Located in the Cochamó commune, Los Lagos region, our mountain house and refuges are surrounded by the majestic mountains of Pumalín and Hornopirén National Parks.


This glacial valley runs from west to east and is one of the most significant tributaries of the Puelo River. The river is fed by glaciers from the Nolda, El Toro, Universo, Raquelita, Alicia, and Correntoso valleys, winding for 41 kilometers from its source to its confluence with the Puelo River. The area is part of the Patagonian Andean Forest Zone, characterized on the Chilean side by lush forests of native species such as the Cordilleran cypress, larch, lenga, and arrayán, among others.


  • You might find him heading towards the capital, walking through Puelo, on the fifth day of an expedition deep into Patagonia, paddling across a lake, volunteering his time for the conservation of the Cochamó commune, correcting an Excel sheet, on a football field, or simply relaxing while sharing a good barbecue. His vision makes this project possible.

    José Claro

  • A lover of the Cochamó commune, Rodrigo has spent 15 years exploring the valleys and mountains of the area, with few left unvisited. He never walks in new shoes, prefers sleeping in a tent, is a bird enthusiast, knows the local forests well, and is always ready to sail, ride, hike, ski, fish, or climb a mountain. Constantly working in tourism and conservation in the commune, Rodrigo is the general coordinator of the project and the heart of this adventure.

    Rodrigo Condeza

  • Born and raised in the Segundo Corral area of the Puelo basin, Franco is a horse enthusiast, an avid hiker, and enjoys repairing machines.

    Franco Müller

  • Known as La Moni in Puelo, she was born and raised in the Las Rosas area. She excels in cooking, guiding horseback rides, tending the garden, and preparing the houses for guests.

    Mónica Cuevas

  • Nico has spent 5 years paddling and guiding on the Ventisquero and Puelo rivers. He is also highly skilled at guiding the trails of Rincón Bonito.

    Nicolas Peña

  • Felipe arrived in the area in 2010 and immediately fell in love with Puelo. He learned to paddle and can be seen guiding trekking and pack raft groups through all the valleys, showcasing his extensive knowledge.

    Felipe Gomez

  • Born and raised in the Puerto Urrutia area, she is a nurse by profession and meticulously helps us with the logistics of land, air, and water necessary to operate Rincón Bonito.

    Damaris Aguilera

  • Diego is an Expedition Engineer who has completed all his internships at Rincón Bonito. He is a bird lover and an avid hiker, though the river has called to him many times.

    Diego Ojeda

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