DISCLAIMER, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND LIABILITY. For reasons of walking, tourism, sports, physical activity, spirituality, and recreation in general, I will enter the Ventisquero Valley located in the Puelo basin in the Commune of Cochamó, Province of Llanquihue, Los Lagos Region, SOUTH: Limit of the basin hydrographic of the Ventisquero Valley that coincides with the high peaks of the Argentine border and the source of the Correntoso, Alicia, Universo and Raquelita Rivers; EAST: Puelo River; NORTH: High peaks and limit of the hydrographic basin of the El Toro River, Esperanza and El Saldo streams; WEST: High peaks and the source of the Camarico, Verde and Nolda Rivers, which give rise to the Ventisquero River in its lower section. According to my itinerary, I will enter the Valle Ventisquero towards the Rincón Bonito sector, taking into account the regulations established by Turismo Valle Ventisquero Spa in relation to caring for the environment and personal care, which I could read in its entirety on the website www.rinconbonito .cl I hereby understand, acknowledge and agree to the following: 1.- Waiver and Release: I am aware that entering the Ventisquero Valley involves carrying out activities with inherent risk of loss, delay, damage, illness or death, in conditions such that medical care in remote areas may be impossible to obtain with the speed that the situation sometimes requires. It is the case that the Ventisquero Valley is an area, quite unexplored, that presents a lot of vegetation, rocks and multiple tributaries of water, which has the presence of cattle and wild boar, which in some cases are wild or brave. Among the risks that entering the Ventisquero Valley represents for visitors is the danger of contracting Hantavirus. Hantavirus is acquired by contact with fluids from wild "long-tailed" mice (Oligorizomys longicaudatus) carriers of the aforementioned virus. This occurs mainly due to the feces and urine left by these rodents in bushes and/or in closed spaces such as cabins and warehouses. Due to this danger, I expressly accept the prohibition of leaving the trails, going into thickets, collecting and eating wild fruits, entering or approaching uninhabited buildings present within the Valley, and camping in places not authorized for this purpose. I also declare that I am aware of the suggestions contained in the website www.minsal.cl. As stated, I am aware that my admission to the Ventisquero Valley exposes me to a multiplicity of risks, including, but not limited to, risks of personal and bodily harm, as well as property risks, as stated in this letter. By this instrument I declare that I have been warned and informed of such circumstances, especially the risks involved in entering, as well as the geographical, climatic and natural conditions of the place, and that in this capacity I assume all existing risks. , for which I waive each and every one of the actions, lawsuits, claims for damages resulting from my income, so that I release and discharge both the owners of private lands, such as Turismo Valle Ventisquero Spa, including its partners, employees , and agents (collectively their “Representatives”), as well as their legal successors; of all the responsibility that comes from my entry to the Ventisquero Valley. Excepted from the waiver and release referred to in the previous paragraph, those Bodily damages, or to property and goods, that occur as a direct or indirect consequence of actions or omissions negligent Likewise, I declare that I will assume the care of the environment, the landscape and in general of the natural resources existing in the Valley, that I have been informed about the prohibition of making fires inside the Valley and that I will respect the Principles of Leave No Trace that are have made available to me for my knowledge and understanding upon entering the Valley. Finally, I declare that I accept that, in case it is necessary, any ransom cost will be borne exclusively by me. 2.- Paid Services: The entrance to the Ventisquero Valley has some costs associated with basic tourist infrastructure services, mainly in the Rincón Bonito sector and its surroundings. 3.- Release that also binds Successors and assigns: I agree and understand that everything established in this instrument also binds my representatives, successors, heirs, legatees and assigns. 4.- Competence and Jurisdiction: Any difficulty or controversy that may arise regarding the application, interpretation, duration, validity or execution of this instrument will be submitted to the ordinary courts of Puerto Varas, Chile. 5.- Separability: In the event that any clause or part of it is declared null or invalid, said nullity or ineffectiveness will not affect the validity of this instrument.